Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery

Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 1Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 1

Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 2Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 2

Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 3Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 3

Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 4Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 4

Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 5Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 5

Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 6Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 6

Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 7Amazing Art of Arm Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery 7

the art of making tattoos

All Free Tattoo Designs

tattoo art body

tattoo art body

Due to the development and innovation in the society, the Japanese tattoo art has also developed. Nowadays, body art has gained popularity not only for younger people but the adults alike. For younger people they acquire this work of art just to keep in the fashion trend but for others they put tattoo in their body for some sentimental reasons. Upon knowing the transitions of tattoo art in Japan you will surely appreciate to have any of the designs and symbols inked in your body.

Japanese Tattoo Art

Tattoo's galore

Tattoo art being displayed by one of the attendees at the second annual London Tattoo Convention. The three day event was held at the Truman Brewery on Brick Lane and showcased over 100 tattoo artists from around the world.

Facts about African Tribal tattoo Design

1. There are some African tribal tattoo designs that are drawn to give the wearer protection from dangers. The pattern usually depicts an image that is expected to guard the person from harms throughout life.
2. African tribal scarring did not originate just as body decoration art form. They were drawn so that the wearer can take on a supernatural state, representing qualities that supersede human abilities.
3. The origin of African tribal scarring/tattooing body work dates back to 2000BC. The first few revelations depicted images of Egyptian High Priestesses with tattooed arms.
4. There is a specific African tribal scarring called cicatrisation. It is done by people with too dark skin tone for regular tattoo coloration to appear.

Japanese Tattoo Art

The tattoo making during the Edo period became a taboo to the Japanese culture because it is used by prostitutes. The yujos inked body art in their body to attract customers that is why tattoo has gained negative impact in the society.

Tribal Tattoo- An Appealing Body Art

Tribal Tattoo

Tribal tattoo designs have always been an integral part of the tattoo world. A unisex pattern, tribal tattoo art is derived from different tribal regions.

Tribal tattoo designs are undoubtedly the most popular tattoo patterns that have been in existence since ages. Refined and modified over the years, these tattoo patterns are hot favorites of scores of tattoo enthusiasts. Derived from the tribal art and traditions of different tribal regions, the tribal tattoos generally depict abstract or complex patterns that look very fascinating.

Types of Tribal Tattoos

There are several tribal tattoo designs that have been popular since ages. Some of the tribal tattoos that are classified on the basis of their tribal origin are enumerated below:

Celtic Tattoos
These Celtic designs are the most popular tribal tattoos that owe their credit to the Celtic art. The design comprises several knots or loops with no starting and ending point. It is associated with the never ending cycle of death and rebirth. Animal tattoo designs like were dragon, lion etc were prevalent in the Celtic tribes.

Maoris tribal Tattoos
These tattoos owe their origin to Maoris tribe of New Zealand. The designs were used to depict ones prestige or pride and also the transition from one social status to one another.

North American Tribal Art
Among the North American tribes, the tribal tattoos denoted rank within the tribe. Different types of weapons were tattooed on their skin.

Borneo Tribal Art
Tattooing had a completely different concept for the Borneo tribes. According to them, they could actually draw energy from the spirits of the tattooed image or creature because they believed that spirits are present in everything surrounding them.

There are some other tribal tattoo arts like Samoa Tribal art and African Tribal art that do not use pigments for tattooing. Instead in these art forms the skin was carved or cut with a sharp object and the wound created was the tattoo design.

Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery

Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 1Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 1

Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 2Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 2

Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 3Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 3

Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 4Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 4

Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 5Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 5

Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 6Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 6

Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 7Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery 7

tribal tattoos designs for women

tribal tattoos designs for women

Turtle Tattoos

Turtle Tattoos
If your thinking of getting a turtle tattoo there are many different styles available to you. You can choose from a tribal turtle, to a cartoon type turtle or even an actual depiction of a turtle as shown in the picture. But, there is one thing for certain. Turtle tattoos have a very deep and well established symbolism especially in Native American cultures. The turtle is a major character in Native American mythology. In some stories the turtle is responsible for creating North America and in other stories turtles are responsible for the creation of the entire world!! According to the vast majority of these stories, the spirit of the sky was looking down from the heavens through a hole she had found when suddenly she fell through and plummeted into the vast waters below. Concerned for her life, the Great Sea Turtle swam deep to the bottom of the waters, scooped up some earth on its back, and carried it back to the surface as a place for Sky Spirit to stand on. But, even if your not interested in the Native American interpretations of the turtle design, a turtle tattoo can still make a deeply meaningful design. Attribute your own meanings to it and make it a part of yourself.
Turtle Tattoos
I personally am a huge fan of turtle tattoos, and this one really interested me by the way it was designed. I really like how there is water and bubbles around the turtle which were used with a cornflower blue and a pastel blue. I like turtle tattoos so much I think I am going to get a few on my arms and lower back. I just recently bought a large book with hundreds of pictures of turtle tattoos, and this really helped me decide how I want my tattoos to be designed. My family thinks I am crazy for liking them so much, but I could care less because turtle tattoos are symbolic for being strong and empowered.

I would recommend getting a tattoo of a turtle as a first choice to anyone. If you really know which tattoo you want to get then contact a local artist and have him or her show you their work and see if they can take care of the design you really want. Its not that hard once you find the right tattoo artist. I know a couple here in town that I trust with almost any tattoo I want put on. Their is one girl that is the best I have ever seen anywhere.

What Are Popular Tribal Tattoos

Tattoos are one thing. They are becoming more popular than ever. Research has shown that nearly 1 in 4 people have at least one tribal tattoo. There are many possibilities for the man the opportunity to be creative. Below, we will see some of the most popular tattoo designs.

Tribal tattoos are among the most popular tattoo design. You have already hundreds of years and they are becoming more developed and increasingly complex design and style. Tribal tattoo for a traditional style black for the arms and legs and colorful styles, all the bodies. A colorful look more modern and compared to other styles.

Chest Tattoo

Chest Tattoo
This chest tattoo brings a dark picture together with bright colors and flowers. The color’s used in this chest tattoo are green, blue, orange, pink, gold, white, tan, purple, and black, and all the colors are blended real well. The skulls in this chest tattoo are grey with hints of white around the edges and the teeth. One tooth on each skull is gold. The eye sockets on each skull start off a very light pink on the edges and fades to a black near the outer rim of the sockets. The same goes for the nose of each skull, pink near the back, black near the outer rim. Green vines flow through the nose and eye sockets of each skull. Different colored flowers, ranging from pink to green, and blue to orange, grow on the vines growing from out of the skulls. This chest tattoo is unique and original because it mixes a morbid image like a skull and the beautiful colors of flowers all in one tattoo. This is one chest tattoo that anyone would be interested in, because it mixes so many different styles of art into one piece of artwork. This is a really good tattoo.
Chest Tattoo
This is a great representation of what an average person can do with a chest tattoo. Chest tattoos can be hidden or revealed at will, so you can put just about any design there. And because there is a lot of space to work with, chest tattoos can sport some pretty large designs with a lot of different elements in them. The chest tattoo in the picture is frequently referred to as a chest piece, because it covers from shoulder to shoulder like an armors chest piece. The wearer has combined several different things in his design. On one shoulder is written the word "love", on the other is written the word "hate". In the center of this chest piece is a hand holding cards, generally used to mean luck or chance. I would venture to say that the intended symbolism of this design is to infer that all things in this life are hanging on the whims of fate. And that includes love and hate or peace and war. The again, the bearer of this chest tattoo could have simply chosen the design because it looks really hot and is done in a more traditional type of style. What do you think?

Japanese Paper For An Interesting Tattoo Art

Japanese Paper For An Interesting Tattoo Art...............

Example Of A Blue Tattoo That Many Preferred

Example Of A Blue Tattoo That Many Preferred.................

Chinese Tattoos

Chinese Tattoos
I was at an ink convention in Las Vegas not to long ago and I saw a lot of artists using the chinese tattoos as an add on to a lot of their designs. I think it looks totally cool when it is done in a hot looking way. Have you ever noticed that chinese tattoos are probably the most popular tattoos out their in the public right now. I think Hollywood and the Hollywood elites have made it so. Tons of actors and actresses now have their favorite proverbs and sayings used for their chinese tattoos. Besides Demi Moore their are probably hundreds of southern California rich kids having chinese tattoos put on their bodies right at this moment in time.

If they want to look cool, what better way to look cool in this environment than to have some hot looking tattoos. It gives them something to parade around at all the new movie showings and to get the camera’s clicking at. It’s a wild time for the tattoo and art industry. If you are looking to gather up some new tatts and hit the town running, don’t forget about that great chinese tattoo everyone is talking about.

Chinese Tattoos
Chinese Tattoos are rapidly becoming some of the most recent and fashionable trends inside the tattoo world and indeed the rest of the world too. All nations has its own fashion of tattoo designing and one that strongly resembles the individuals fine art, culture and tradition. Presently, Chinese letter tattoos are one of the most liked fashions. I don’t know what this Chinese tattoo symbolizes, because to be quite honest I don’t speak Chinese. But, there is one thing that I know about Chinese tattoos. And that’s too be quite careful about not only who is doing the design but also what the design means. Prior to inking Chinese tattoos over your skin, you need to make damn sure that you understand the meaning of those letters, or at the least the artist does. A lot of tattoos artists could accidentally misguide you by misusing the incorrect form of Chinese letter tattoos and that is something that you need to remain aware of. Chinese tattoos appear in diverse shapes and sizes and a lot of men and women are at the present getting them on their numerous parts of their skin. These tattoos are very individual and a lot of tattoo artists are attempting to employ Chinese letter tattoos more often. This type of skin tattoo is getting really fashionable with women.

Female Tattoos

Female Tattoos
The definition of a female tattoo is a lot broader then what it used to be. Once upon a time female tattoos included only those designs such as hearts and flowers. But, now many female tattoos include designs that once fell in the realm of men. These include scorpions, eagles and even anchors. But, there are several female tattoo designs which still squarely belong in the female’s corner. These include fairy, dragonfly and dolphin tattoos. Let’s take a minute and talk about these uniquely female tattoos. People envision fairies as cute girls with magical powers, so it’s not hard to see where the appeal of fairy tattoos comes from and why women like them a lot. The dragonfly tattoo is another winged design that is predominately inked on women. And the dragonfly is often popular because it has the same magical quality about it as fairy tattoos do. Dolphin tattoos are the last favorite female tattoo. They are often valued for the sensitivity and intelligence. So, it’s no wonder that it’s in the top three of female tattoos. What other female tattoos can you think of? Considering the cute bird in this tattoo design, perhaps I should have placed birds on the list.

Rihanna Tattoo

Rihanna Tattoo
If your looking for a perfect example of a celebrity that has a varied and fascinating collection of body art then look no further then Rihanna’s tattoos. This Barbadian singer, model, and beauty queen has twelve tattoos. They include a music note on her ankle, a pisces sign behind her right ear, Sanskrit prayer going down her hip and a star in her left ear. But, that’s only the beginning. She also has the word ‘love’ on her left middle finger, an Arabic phrase on her ribcage area, meaning ‘Freedom is God’, a trail of stars going down her back and a cute skull with a pink hair bow. Recent additions to Rihanna’s tattoo collection include the phrase ’shhh…’ on her right index finger, the date ‘4.11.1986′ on top of her left shoulder, a henna-style dragon claw, complete with Hawaiian hibiscus flowers and a handgun, which Rihanna got during the midst of all the relationship abuse stories and rumors. These last tattoos were all done between June of 2008 to March of 2009. I wonder what the rest of this year and the years to follow what other Rihanna tattoos are going to pop up.

The meaning of Japanese Dragon Tattoo

The Japanese dragon is one of the mythological creatures most popular selected for inking and a traditional choice for a design of tattooing. It is usually depicts as a creature snake-like without wings and heavy-measured with small scratched legs and chief with horns or antlered of camel, and is associated with the sea, the clouds or the skies. The Japanese dragons tend to being much thinner and fly less frequently than the Chinese counterparts.

The breath of the Japanese dragon changes into clouds of which come rain or fires. It can increase or contract its body, and moreover it with the power of the transformation and invisibility. It is simply a general description and does not apply to all the Japanese dragons, some of which have the heads so extraordinary kind which they cannot be compared with anything in the animal kingdom.

There are a wide vareity of different tattoo possibilities with a dragon. There are the issues of location, size and design to consider. The style and look of the dragon can often determine what the person might wish to represent. For example an evil looking dragon that is bearing his large teeth and sourrounded by flames and wrapping around a large sowrd would obvisouly represent power, strength and the warrior spirit. Where as a dragon that is depicted in a sceen above a large body of water or int he clouds in flight might represent peace and beauty. So the style, look and feel of the tattoo will ultimatly determine the meaning of the tattoo. Japanese Dragon Tattoo Placement

Since dragons are so prevelant through Japanese art, architecture, and literature there are many different even historically famous tattoo designs to choose from when contemplating getting a dragon tattoo. As far as location the most popular place is a very large full back piece. This allows for a lot of canvas space to truly depict the beauty and power of the mystical beast. You are not just locked into a large back piece however, as there are many different dragont attoo designs to work with and you can get a tattoo anywhere on your body that you want. Typically calves, shoulders and sleeve tattoos also work well for dragon tattoos. The choice is up to you and what you want and what you are looking to express int he design.

Various Fonts Word Tattoo Picture

"I don't want the world I only want what I deserve" reads this tattoo. Interesting combination of fonts: script, typewriter, futuristic, scrawled, negative space. Nice addition of a red lightening bolt and circle. Unique typography design.

Source: The Gossip Song: Yr Mangled Heart

Word on Stomach Tattoo

Guy with many tattoos, the word Scarred in Old English/Gothic font is on his stomach. Good choice of font as it matches the tone of the religious images.

Arm Elaborate Script Word Tattoo Picture

Guy with a black ink tattoo on his arm, from his elbow to his wrist. It says Sagittarius. Nicely styled font with flourishes.

Tribals Scorpio Tattoos On Neck Men's

Tribals Scorpio Tattoos On Neck Men'sTribals Scorpio Tattoos On Neck Men's

Scorpio Tattoo Gallery On Foot

scorpio Tattoo Gallery On FootScorpio Tattoo Gallery On Foot

Design Scorpio Tattoo On Neck

Design Scorpio Tattoo On NeckDesign Scorpio Tattoo On Neck

Word Vegan Tattoo Picture

Vegan written in a vine like script. Nice green and yellow colors carry the vegan theme. On the hip of a female.

Cool Arm Word Tattoo Design

This guy has a cool arm tattoo in black ink. It's written in a boxy text outline font with minimal leading between the letters. Tried rotating it, getting the mirror image, etc, but can't make any sense of the letters. They seem to read rjshmor. Anyhow, nice tattoo design and a fun mystery to guess what it means.

Tribals Scorpio Tattoos Gallery

Tribals Scorpio Tattoos GalleryTribals Scorpio Tattoos Gallery

Design Scorpio Tattoo for Legs

Design Scorpio Tattoo for LegsDesign Scorpio Tattoo for Legs

Scorpio Tattoo On Body Men's

Scorpio Tattoo On Body Men'sScorpio Tattoo On Body Men's

Female Body Piercing and Tattoos

girl's body spider skull

an artist makes the idea of a tattoo design on the body of
a girl with a skull motif spider

TattOOs FoR giLS,girl's body spider skull,

exspresi style tattoo

exspresi girl style full body tattoos
with objects dancing princess

tAttOO foR GIrl,exspresi style tattoo,

samba dance tattoo

dance the samba played a tattoo
on a full-grown girl exspresi victory

samba dance tattoo,,tattoos for girls

Celebrity Tattoos

Arguably, celebrity tattoos are the whole reason why tattooing is so popular and so widely accepted today. A few decades ago, the art of tattooing was firmly lodged in the underworld, with just a few exceptions.

A tattoo was seen as evidence of a ‘racy’ or dodgy past, and an indication that someone wasn't’t quite ‘respectable’. Exceptions might be made for someone who had spent time at sea, for example, but tattoos, especially on women, were always a bit controversial. Celebrity tattoos changed all that.

When celebrities started getting tattoos and flashing them publicly, it did a lot for the public’s perception of tattooing. After all, celebrities are the closest thing we have to royalty – they tend to function as role models for the rest of us, for better or for worse.

When the concept of tattooing was first brought to Europe by seventeenth century explorers, tattoos were difficult and expensive to get, so only a few lucky members of the upper classes had them. Later, when tattooing became more accessible, it was devalued.

Then, when celebrity tattoos became public knowledge, it seemed to give the rest of us permission to explore the ancient art of tattoos ourselves. As a result, tattoo images themselves improved, incorporating more classic – and classy – styles.

In comparison, the celebrity tattoos that Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera sport are a bit less intriguing – though these girls are still very young, and have time to acquire a few more choice designs!

That having been said, Aguilera has made a pretty good start, with multiple small tattoos – from the ‘Xtina’ on the back of her neck, to tiny Hebrew/ Spanish expression of love on the inside of her elbow, Christina Aguilera’s tattoos are small and atypical enough to keep us guessing.

The king of celebrity tattoos is undoubtedly Robbie Williams. He's a real fan of tattoo art and depending on how you count he has got 14 tattoos, including a Celtic cross, a lion, a Maori tribal, a Christian cross, two swallows, the eye of Horus, a piece of Beatles music and 7 word tattoos.

If Robbie Williams is the King of celebrity tattoos, then the queen is undoubtedly Angelina Jolie, famous for her multiple tats – at least a dozen, at last count.

Critics are quick to point out that Jolie broke one of the cardinal rules of tattooing – she incorporated the name of her former husband in a prominent tattoo design on her upper arm, and then had to undergo a painful and tedious laser tattoo removal treatment after they broke up (she had more tattoos removed).

Angelina Jolie’s tattoos can also be a bit of a challenge for movie makeup crews to cover up – putting all that aside, though, they are a creative and fascinating expression of her individuality and personal philosophy. Examples include a saying in Arabic that means “will” or “determination”, and the phrase “know your rights” in gothic letters across the top of her back.

Melanie C, one of the 5 Spice Girls, is a celebrity with a big love for tattoos. At least, she used to be, lately there have been some signs that she is regretting her tattoos.

Mel C has about 10 tattoos on her body, primarily designs with an Eastern origin. She's got a lotus flower, a tribal phoenix, a Chinese dragon, a Celtic cross, a Celtic armband, a star tattoo, an English writing tattoo and 2 Tibetan writing tattoos.

Justin Timberlake is a celebrity that is no stranger to tattoos either.

He has 6 tattoo designs on his body, including a cross tattoo on his shoulder, a guardian angel tattoo on his back, some Chinese characters and an Aquarius tattoo.

Johnny Depp’s tattoos express his quirky personality and sense of humor. A banner on his arm that used to read “ Winona forever”, in honor of actress Winona Ryder, was altered – or should we say edited – after his breakup with Ryder and now reads “Wino forever”!

Depp’s other tattoos include a tribute to his mother and his daughter, a skull on his ankle with the words “Death is certain”, and, most puzzling, the number 3 between his thumb and index finger!

These and other celebrity tattoos are great examples of how the art of tattooing can be adapted to individual taste and expressions of personality. Celebrity tattoos have been instrumental in the rehabilitation of this ancient art, making it attractive and acceptable for the rest of us.

George Clooney's tattoo in the movie From Dusk Till Dawn sparked the interest in tribal tattoos among many people. Of course these tattoos were completely fake, temporary tattoos designed for the movie. Although From Dusk Till Dawn was made in 1996, the interest in George Clooney's tattoo remains, even today.