Butterfly Tattoo Symbolism

What does your Butterfly tattoo symbolize

Key meanings: Life, Beauty, Metamorphosis, Change, Transformation, Immortality, Dreams, Peace, Spirituality, Thoughts, Playfulness, Tranquility, Fertility, Delicateness, Love, Resurrection, Appreciation

Butterfly tattoos can also mean transformation due to its evolution of life: 
 - Egg is the beginning or birth
 - Larva the socialization
 - Caterpillar is Independence and awareness
 - Chrysalis changing from adolescence into adulthood or a change in your way of life
 - Butterfly as an adult, awakening to a new way or phase of life

The Butterfly tattoo symbolizes a significant transition or change in your life.

The Japanese consider the butterfly  a symbol of fine beauty and delicate feminine qualities. Geisha's are commonly identified with butterflies. 

Christian symbolism marks the butterfly as an symbol of immortality and the awakening to higher love as each human can hold in there heart.

Celtic symbolism has similar symbolism representing love, honour and beauty. It can also be a symbol of the soul. 

Chinese consider the butterfly a symbol of good luck, health, blessing and abundance.