Sparrow Tattoo Symbolism

Sparrow Tattoo

Symbolic Sparrow meaning:, Joy, Inclusion, Creativity, Simplicity, Protection, Community, Productivity, Friendliness

All too often we take the little Sparrow for granted - small though she may be, she is certainly powerful. It is her slightness in size that gives her advantages. She reminds us we do not have to have the big stuff (cars, houses, etc.) to be important, and we do not have to have the loudest voice in order be heard.

Sparrows derive power and protection from their numbers. Always in a clan, they move in clusters, eat in clusters, and are always content as such. This can be quite intimidating to some would-be predators. Safety in numbers is a lesson the Sparrow has to share with us.

The Sparrow is ever vigilant in her goals. She is always bustling for her food, foraging for her nests, and gathering for her young. Fastidious and productive, the Sparrow is a reminder that idle hands (and idle minds) should be avoided in order to live a full, healthy life.

She is a master of flight, and camouflage, and as such the Sparrow teaches us to use our creativity to get around in life - think outside the box, and be creative in solving our problems.

She beckons us to keep our burdens as light as we can in order to avoid a heavy heart.