Mermaid Tattoo Symbolism

Mermaid Symbolism

Mermaid Symbolism: Seductive, Alluring, Feminine, Emotional, Tempestuous, Wild, Intuitive, Reflective, Enchanting, Free, Fluid, Sensual, Elusive, Knowing

Mermaids in myth are legendary for their unpredictability, and tempestuous ways. Just like their home, the ocean, mermaids will never be bound to what is normal or convention. 

The mermaid is praised for her enchanting voice.

She uses her looks and voice to lure unsuspecting souls to sea. A mermaid's purpose for luring seafarers could be to offer refuge, salvation or pleasure. Or she could be offering death..........

Mermaids are energetically connected with the moon because the sea is influenced by it. In ancient stories of mermaids they are often shown with mirrors - which is a symbol of the moon. 

Mermaids are symbolic of sensuality,

In Celtic and European myth mermaids were thought to have deep psychic connection as the element of water is connected to concepts like: Dreaming, Intuition, Emotion, Deeper Knowing. 

Mermaids are knower's of deeper, darker aspects of the soul. Just as the sea holds unknown mysteries, so too do our own psyche's - but legend indicates mermaids can see clear to the core of a human.