Celtic Trinity Symbol
The Celtic symbol for trinity has a myriad of symbolic meaning.
We see the trinity motif in Celtic knots, as well as in symbol-form like the triquetra and triskelion
To the ancient Celtic mind, it may also signify the lunar or solar phases. This conclusion is made as we see the trinity/triquetra motif alongside other solar and lunar symbols in ancient remants and archeological digs.
Celts honored the Great Mother, a lunar goddess who was actually three personifications in one (three lunar phases and faces of the goddess).
Some three-pronged Celtic meanings for the triquetra (trinity) symbol include:
Spirit, Mind, Body
Father, Son, Holy Ghost
Mother, Father, Child
Past, Present, Future
Power, Intellect, Love
Creator, Destroyer, Sustainer
Creation, Preservation, Destruction
Thought, Feeling, Emotion
Mother, Maiden, Crone
Other world, Mortal world, Celestial world
The Celtic symbol for trinity may also pertain to the three Bridgits. Bridgit is one powerful goddess (aspect of Danu), who embodies three aspects which are: Art, Healing, Metal smithing