Dog Tattoo Symbolism

Symbolic Dog Tattoo Meanings

Meanings behind Dog symbolism: Confidence, Loyalty, Strength, Community, Friendship, Obedience, Protection, Courage, Intelligence ,Guidance, Determination, Faithfulness, Perception, Community, Guardianship, Teamwork

Whether your getting a Dog tattoo in memorial or for love a special companion there are also many symbolic reasons for getting a Dog tattoo. 

Dogs are depicted as sentinels to the gateways of the Otherworlds. In ancient Egyptian,Celtic, Roman and many other legends, the dog represents a spiritual guide - an ally and companion while a human soul is moving between the realms of physical and non-physical. 

In Shamanic wisdom as well as Celtic, the dog is associated with the powers of the forest, keen, savvy wilderness guides. Strong and stead-fast in leading us through dark and mystical territory, the dog is a excellent guide. Dogs are terrific companions on any kind of journey (spiritual, physical, emotional).

In Asian symbolism, the dog is good luck. The Chinese symbolism links prosperity, good fortune, obedience and friendliness to the dog. The dog is also associated with Aquarius in the Chinese zodiac, and is considered to be of freindly disposition. Philanthropic, empathic and very well-liked are other attributes.

Dogs (and dog tattoo ideas) can be associated with both lunar and solar qualities.
As a moon-connected creature, the dog reminds us to move in-sync with the shadows in our midst. Moon dogs also ask us to release ourselves to our untamed selves. Howl at the moon. Make love by moonlight. Go mad with lunar lust.  A moon-dog tattoo might represent a need to break out of conformity.

Solar dogs remind us of our vitality, strength and courage. Dogs associated with the sun are also symbolic of bright self-expression and clear communication. Countless cultures have recruited dogs in the aid of agriculture, and war/battle

The color of your dog tattoo is a tale-teller too. White dogs symbolize purification, clarity, virtue and stamina. Red dogs convey virility and a sense of victory in personal battles. Black dogs have a lunar flavor to them and hearken back to the baying hounds of Hecate, who in some versions of myth, is the goddess of shadows. Black dogs are considered shadow-riders, unafraid to walk boldly into dark places. This also ties in with themes of protection "guard dogs".

Dogs are also considered animal healers. They are associated with sacred waters in Celtic mythology , which offer healing/cleansing power. Canines are also depicted with Asclepius, an ancient Greek physician of renown portent. In many cultures, dogs were thought to have immense healing powers.

 Ancients observed dogs tending by licking their own wounds with remarkable healing results.